Forest Animals Wiki

( After the opening, we cut to Jack Poocheston and Marie "Pepperminty" Poocheston being revived in the Zalgo Pit, woken up from the terrible nightmare they both had.) 

Jack: ( Fantalized ) Oooooh... What a terrible dream we had.

Marie "Pepperminty": ( Dazed ) What happened? Poochee wasn't ready to tell us what he and his girlfriend, Pansy, did?

( Suddenly, They both hear an echo melody saying "Pansy". They are both blushed and shocked.)

Jack: It's coming from there!

Marie "Pepperminty": It can't be...!

( Marie "Pepperminty", and Jack creeped over to look what's coming from. It's revealed as: Frank Pansina sleeping, and Olivia "Pearly" Pansina melodly called their daughter: Pansy.)

Jack: Yep.

Olivia "Pearly": Pansy....😩

( Marie "Pepperminty" and Jack are dressing eachother up as blanket ghosts, creeping up towards them, but Olivia "Pearly" caught them. )

Olivia "Pearly": What is it you want?

Marie "Pepperminty": It's me!

Jack: It's us!

Olivia "Pearly": ( Beaming ) MARIE!!

Frank: ( woke up, shocked ) WOW!!!!

Olivia "Pearly": How did you find us?!

Marie "Pepperminty": No time to talk! Come on! ( Grabs Olivia "Pearly"'s  paw )

Jack: WE GOT TO GO! ( Helps Frank up )

Frank:  Jack! Thank You!!

( Frank, Jack, Marie "Pepperminty", and Olivia "Pearly" are sneeking their way out of the Zalgo Pit, but then.... They got caught! )

???: Before you go, I have to warn you that this world is a dangerous world, YOU SHOULD GO OUT!!!

Jack: And you are....?

???: My name's not necessary now. I gave you my advice to listen, but if you look closely, there are danger everywhere here. 

( Someone who just halted these 4 dogs vanished. )

Marie "Pepperminty": WHAT THE CHERRY BLOSSOM?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? SHE DISAPPEARED!!!!????

Olivia "Pearly": MARIE!!! Calm down, please! 

Frank: Let's go! I believed in Blossea if she says it's peaceful in Nico Nature is because it is.

( Marie "Pepperminty", Olivia "Pearly" Pansina, Frank, and Jack got out of the Zalgo Pit, and are able to head home. ( THEIR 2 SEPERATE HOUSES! ) but first, they're looking around in Nico Nature, and first visiting Flower Forest. )

( The next day, Heather.EXE was calling Poochee and Pansy, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Nyan Neko Sugar Girls, Baldi, Petscop, Crystey, and Pilly to invite ALL of them over to the Sugoi Partyhouse, To help them have a lot of and they all agree, and get to Sugoi Partyhouse to start off the 1st livestream.)

( We fade in the black screen and out with the credits with the Pop Drop Candy song heard and we have list of 5 characters who appeared in this episode which was : Jack Poocheston ........ Damien Sanders-Baron (top) Marie "Pepperminty" Poocheston........ SSSniperWolf (under the top row), Olivia "Pearly" Pansina....... Kelly Clarkson ( under the second row ) Frank Pansina....... Kyle Mcclarth Adams( under the third row ) ??? .........Kelly Kamalelehua Smith ( the last row ). And the music that was used are:(Opening) Renai Circulation (full) ✧ English [ Eilemonty Cover] by ⋆★ひなた★⋆ ,(Start of the episode) Home from Undertale, and (Closing) 【Kiichan】drop pop candy【歌ってみた】 by Kiichan.after that we popped out a gracie films logo, then we cut to Kawaii Madeline Productions, and then the 20 century fox television logo.)
